DATA/데이터베이스 / / 2024. 1. 20. 23:15

postgresql timestamp 사용법


postgresql timestamp 사용법

TIMESTAMP 는 날짜와 시간를 표현합니다.

DB 사용할때 날짜와 시간을 나타내는 TIMESTAMP insert 할때가 힘든 것 같습니다.





ex)  TO_TIMESTAMP('2024-01-20 15:33:02 ', 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS')

Pattern Description
Y,YYY year in 4 digits with comma
YYYY year in 4 digits
YYY last 3 digits of year
YY last 2 digits of year
Y The last digit of year
IYYY ISO 8601 week-numbering year (4 or more digits)
IYY Last 3 digits of ISO 8601 week-numbering year
IY Last 2 digits of ISO 8601 week-numbering year
I Last digit of ISO 8601 week-numbering year
BC, bc, AD or ad Era indicator without periods
B.C., b.c., A.D. ora.d. Era indicator with periods
MONTH English month name in uppercase
Month Full capitalized English month name
month Full lowercase English month name
MON Abbreviated uppercase month name e.g., JAN, FEB, etc.
Mon Abbreviated capitalized month name e.g, Jan, Feb,  etc.
mon Abbreviated lowercase month name e.g., jan, feb, etc.
MM month number from 01 to 12
DAY Full uppercase day name
Day Full capitalized day name
day Full lowercase day name
DY Abbreviated uppercase day name
Dy Abbreviated capitalized day name
dy Abbreviated lowercase day name
DDD Day of year (001-366)
IDDD Day of ISO 8601 week-numbering year (001-371; day 1 of the year is Monday of the first ISO week)
DD Day of month (01-31)
D Day of the week, Sunday (1) to Saturday (7)
ID ISO 8601 day of the week, Monday (1) to Sunday (7)
W Week of month (1-5) (the first week starts on the first day of the month)
WW Week number of year (1-53) (the first week starts on the first day of the year)
IW Week number of ISO 8601 week-numbering year (01-53; the first Thursday of the year is in week 1)
CC Century e.g, 21, 22, etc.
J Julian Day (integer days since November 24, 4714 BC at midnight UTC)
RM Month in upper case Roman numerals (I-XII; >
rm Month in lowercase Roman numerals (i-xii; >
HH Hour of day (0-12)
HH12 Hour of day (0-12)
HH24 Hour of day (0-23)
MI Minute (0-59)
SS Second (0-59)
MS Millisecond (000-9999)
US Microsecond (000000-999999)
SSSS Seconds past midnight (0-86399)
AM, am, PM or pm Meridiem indicator (without periods)
A.M., a.m., P.M. or p.m. Meridiem indicator (with periods)


TIMESTAMP to String 






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